This unique type of military robot was designed to be as flexible and adaptive as possible in a support/defence capacity by utilising the environment around it. It houses a device which deconstructs and absorbs matter into its constituent molecules through its left arm and reforms and extrudes it through its right.
For example; it could absorb a nearby rock and create a simple cover for itself and nearby troops. Even though it can control the density and size of the matter it exudes, it is still limited to the volume it takes in and cannot reduce or increase this. However, with a constant supply of matter at hand the possibilities for the size of its constructs aren’t restricted. It also can only handle the creation of simple shapes and objects and is unable to repair complex constructions.
If forced, this technique can be used for offensive measures to create sharp objects and projectiles or even at close proximity absorb hostiles with abhorrent results. But due to the mechs construction and durability it is not recommended for frontline duties.

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After the summer of discontent, the NFL saved its season, and is primed for it to start, which happens tomorrow night (Thursday) when the New Orleans Saints play the Green Bay Packers. The first game of the season features the last two Super Bowl winning teams and it a fantastic way to bring actual professional football of this preseason stuff into our lives. Naturally, many sites are gearing up for the official return of the NFL, including social media sites like Twitter. Over at the Twitter blog, the developers view their service as direct conduit to your favorite team, one that includes all access to the team you follow much as 140 character microblog post will allow, anyway. Granted, this isn the same as using DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket package on your mobile device, but in sports, knowledge is still power, and Twitter blog post is full of advice on how to stay up to date with the goings on concerning your favorite NFL team. Simply put, followyour team on Twitter. Sure, you can also